Ogletree Deakins

Ogletree Deakins


Ogletree Deakins

8117 Preston Road, Suite 500
Dallas, TX 75225 | map | directions
Ron Chapman Ron Chapman
(214) 369-9216 | fax: (214) 987-3927
Connect With Us

Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. ("Ogletree Deakins") is a nationally recognized law firm representing management in labor and employment matters. We represent employers in all aspects of labor and employment law, including discrimination, harassment, covenants not to compete, wage and hour complaints, employee handbooks, leaves of absence, and other issues affecting human resources.

Our labor and employment practice is complemented and supported by related practice groups in the areas of litigation, environmental law, immigration, occupational safety and health, employee benefits and tax, workers' compensation, and construction and surety law. We are one of the nation's largest firms of this type, providing quality services to both large and small employers. Our attorneys represent clients from coast to coast in federal and state courts, as well as before various governmental agencies.


Labor and  Employment Law
Environmental Law
Immigration Law
Employee Benefits and Tax Law
Construction and Surety Law
Occupational Safety and Health Law


We place the highest premium on client service. We are committed to personal and prompt attention to each client. This is the expected standard, and we will not accept anything less.

Ogletree Deakins takes great pride in assessing and then delivering client service in a manner most suitable to the needs of our clients. We have a strong commitment to partnering with our clients. We work hard to understand their businesses and help address the complex issues inherent in operating as businesses, both large and small, in today's ever-changing global environment. We accomplish this best through open communications and a clear understanding of our clients' objectives. Whether you are in need of advice, the drafting of a handbook or policy, or representation in court or  before
 a governmental agency, we have the resources to serve you.