Allyn Media

Allyn Media


Allyn Media

6723 Ellsworth Avenue
Dallas, TX 75214 | map | directions
Jennifer Pascal Jennifer Pascal
(214) 924-7132
Connect With Us
For 40 years, Allyn Media has provided award-winning strategic communications, public relations, earned media, public affairs, creative design, advertising, websites, digital marketing and social media to companies, cities, nonprofits and causes. Our firm has won hundreds of international, national and regional awards for excellence in creative advertising, podcasting, collateral materials and graphic design, public relations, public affairs and video production. PR WEEK calls Allyn Media “the go-to guys for public affairs, public relations and sharp collateral.” Our clients include marquee nonprofit organizations seeking to increase awareness and donations from foundations, government entities and individuals, Fortune 500 companies seeking to influence decision-makers and businesses facing major crises and communication challenges with media, regulators, government, voters and consumers. Allyn Media is a 100% women-owned business, certified by the Texas Comptroller as a Texas Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) and by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA) as a Women-Owned Business. The Dallas Business Journal recognizes Allyn Media as one of the “Best Places to Work” and one of the “Largest North Texas Women-Owned Businesses.”
Member Since: 2023